NYMM 04: Always Blink When Sexing a Sage. Featuring Satyavati, Vyasa, and Gandhari.

Kate Shuknecht joins us to hear the tragic fate of Vichitravirya, and how Satyavati and Bheeshma argue on how to continue the bloodline. They discover a solution in Satyavati’s secret son. Kate is sympathetic to kings and their responsibilities, and Azure, Kate, and Satish wishes Vyasa could have done something to mask his odor before sexy-time. Satish then tells the varying stories of Gandhari and her motivations.


Why do you think Gandhari put on the blindfold? Answer in the comments below.


Kate Shuknecht is a poet living in the Twin Cities Metro Area.

Safe Hands Rescue is a 501c3 non-profit foster based animal rescue organization based in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area.



S.P. Jayaraj is the creator of the mythic world of Adijari that is the setting of his two books, The Secret of the Zipacna Dragons and Legacy of the Crow. He is also a Life Coach through his business Imagination Life Coaching.

He draws inspiration from global mythology.



Azure Anderson-Jayaraj is a musician, a maker, a cat mom, an arts administrator and now a podcast editor.

Have an imaginative day.

Artwork and music by Azure Anderson

 #Mahabharata #ComedyMeetsCulture #Comedystorytelling #IndianMythology #MahabharataRetold #MythologyNerd

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