NYMM 03: The Most Stubborn Man in the Universe. Featuring Bheeshma and Amba.

For this episode we welcome Aaron Fiskrataz and tell him the story of Bheeshma sticking to his vow, even if it means the end of the world. We hear how the powerless princess Amba is as relentless in taking matters into her own hands and is prepared to spend 2 lifetimes to get her revenge. Aaron isn’t surprised by Bheeshma’s ‘stick-to-itness.’ and loves seeing how the story can be told through multiple perspectives.


Are you team Amba or team Bheeshma? Let us know in the comments below.


Aaron Fiskradatz is a Technician, Artist, and Educator in the arts who is proud to work for Upstream Arts.

Aaron is a master at broadcasting live performances, whether it is to  hundreds of fans, or sharing an online classroom with half a dozen students.

He’ll take care of the technical know-how so that you can concentrate on your presentation. 
If you live in the Twin Cities Metro Area and you would like your in-person event streamed live to distant participants. Aaron can help you with the proper equipment setup, and even run tech for the event as it happens. Weddings, concerts, parties, whatever you’re doing to connect with others, Aaron can help you do it online at the same time.

‘He’s also just a swell guy to work with’- says S.P. Jayaraj

Find out more about his consulting work at aaron.fiskradatz.com
Discover more about his work in the disability community at upstreamarts.org.


S.P. Jayaraj loves bringing people together through stories. He has authored two mythological fantasy books The Secret of the Zipacna Dragons and Legacy of the Crow. He draws inspiration from global mythology.  Find out more about S.P. Jayaraj at spjayaraj.com


Azure Anderson-Jayaraj is a musician, a maker, a cat mom, an arts administrator and now a podcast editor.


Support the podcast and join the NYMM community on Patreon.com/spjayaraj

Artwork and music by Azure Anderson


Have an Imaginative Day.


#Mahabharata #ComedyMeetsCulture #Comedystorytelling #IndianMythology #MahabharataRetold #MythologyNerd

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