NYMM 11: ‘Why are Teenagers Warring with my Kingdom?’ Featuring the Pandavas and Drupada.

Aaron Bodling joins us to hear the story of Drupada as he is attacked by the Kuru clan. Drupada is a good king who has ruled by the wisdom he has gained from his guru, so he has no idea why a bunch of teenagers are leading an army against him. Aaron and Azure love… Continue reading NYMM 11: ‘Why are Teenagers Warring with my Kingdom?’ Featuring the Pandavas and Drupada.

NYMM 10: My Arrows are Bigger than Your Arrows. Featuring Arjuna and Karna.

We welcome Shanan Custer to tell her the story of the exhibition.Drona wants to show off all he has taught his students, to bring unity to the Kuru clan and dazzle everyone with Arjuna’s unparalleled skill. It doesn’t go well.  ☹️ Shannan expects the grudge match between Bheem and Duryhodana to be what ruins everything. Azure has… Continue reading NYMM 10: My Arrows are Bigger than Your Arrows. Featuring Arjuna and Karna.